I fancied something blue and then I saw a sapphire themed snapshot for Nail It! magazine and thought, why not? If you don't know what I'm talking about, Nail It! magazine features nail art designs in every issue. They come up with different themes and if they like your design you could be featured in the magazine! All you have to do is send a few details and a picture that matches the themes they are looking for. This time one of them was sapphire so I went for it. You never know, right?
This is a pretty simple design. I painted my nails using Sinful Colors Keira Blu and Barry M Huckleberry. I then added a delicate dry brush effect with Maybelline Uptown Blue and 2true shade 10. The gold stickers come from a sheet I reviewed here. I got the rhinestones on sale in Superdrug for 50p. Bargain or what?!
And that's it! I really like blue on my nails. I think it complements my skin nicely but for whatever reason it makes my hands look more tanned. Not the worst thing when it's summer and you're pale as anything but still, weird! Anyways hopefully it stands a chance at being featured. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading x
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