I was spoiled for choice today because there are about a million tutorials that I'd like to try out! I was in the mood for stamping so when I remembered the gorgeous nails I saw on Instagram by Sveta_Sanders I decided to give them a go!
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by supernatural & MoYou Nails Review
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a flag
You know, I really wanted to add a stud right in the middle of this design. I just really fancied a bit of bling. I didn't though because I couldn't help feeling it would look like a pokeball rather than a flag of Poland. Yep, I've gone a bit patriotic for today's 31 Day Challenge.
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by artwork
I was so excited about today's 31 Day Challenge theme! I found this really cool looking artwork online (as you do) and couldn't wait to recreate it on my nails. And I finally did. There is just one, tiny little problem. It's a fail! So annoying when things like that happen. Grrrr!
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a pattern
If you follow this blog then you know that I was expecting a sofa delivery for, like, forever. The day has finally come. The sofa is here! Woo! I'm already snuggled up on it with my fluffy blanket. That made me think of comfy oversized jumpers and this is what inspired the pattern for today's 31 Day Challenge.
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by fashion
I wasn't too sure what to do for today's 31 Day Challenge prompt. I like fashion fine but I'm not really into the latest trends. I know what style I like and whenever I go shopping I'm just picking bits and bobs to complement it. So I decided to do today's mani based on handbags that I really like.
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a book
Uh oh, something's watching you...you better run or you'll be sorry, muahaha! Ok, enough with the creepiness, it's not Halloween yet!
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a movie
I took me forever to choose a film for today's challenge. I just couldn't decide! In the end I was scrolling through pictures on Google and got inspired by clothes that were featured in one of my favourite films 'Pride and Prejudice'. It was all about soft dusky colours, lace, ribbons and jewels!
31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a colour
I've had one of those bad nail days again. Seriously?! I've only had one like 3 days ago! Anyway as today's prompt for 31 Day Challenge isn't too clear, I attempted a few different designs and they were all crap! In the end, I managed to compose myself, found some patience from god knows where and attempted to create something decent one last time.
31 Day Challenge: Watermarble
31 Day Challenge: Galaxy
Ever had a day where no matter what you do or how hard you try you can't even paint your nails properly? Not to mention attempting any nail art! Well, I've had one of those today. I tried so many designs and none of them worked! I just couldn't get my shit together.
31 Day Challenge: Half Moon
To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to today's challenge because all I see lately are half moon nails! There are EVERYWHERE! My feed on any social media is full of nail polish companies posts from London Fashion Week and yep, you've guessed it, half moon designs are heavily featured! I guess they're just very in at the moment?
31 Day Challenge: Glitter
In moments like these, I wish I was home looking through my mum's nail polish stash. My mum is without a doubt a glitter queen. I don't think she owns a single bottle that doesn't have at least a dusting of glitter in it. I on the other hand have 3 glitter polishes. Clearly I was spoiled for choice for today's 31 Day Challenge...
31 Day Challenge: Geometric
Today's manicure has a lot going on. There is glitter, metallic, bright colour, stamping...yep I've gone a bit cray cray.
31 Day Challenge: Delicate Print
For some time now I have been seriously digging the whole delicate nail art thing. It might remind you of spring in which case you'd be thinking that I have some serious issues. Let me explain! During this time of year for me it's all about knitted soft jumpers, fluffy socks, a cup of camomile/raspberry/mint/lemon (circle the appropriate) tea and snuggles on the sofa. Actually, scratch that last one. I'm currently sitting on the WORST sofa ever! I'm awaiting a delivery of a brand new one but until then, no snuggles...even sitting on it is fairly risky! So what could complement all of this? A nice delicate mani! Or a speedy delivery? Just a thought.
31 Day Challenge: Flowers
I don't know what possessed me but after my last less then ideal floral manicure, I'm at it again! I could have done stamping or water decals, but no, I had to make life harder for myself and attempted free hand yet again. This was inspired by the awesome Lacquer Style and of course it looks nothing like her design. But I was watching her tutorial very carefully and kind of managed to create a floral manicure that I actually like! Woohooo!
31 Day Challenge: Animal Print
For today's #31DC2015 I prepared something simple, a delicate (snow) leopard print. I had this idea of white-silver-grey animal print brewing in my head for a while. I tried a few different colour options but it just didn't work for me. I wanted it to be really soft. Unfortunatelly, I own only one grey polish so I had to get a bit crafty!
31 Day Challenge: Stripes
These better pass as stripes because that's today's #31DC2015 prompt! Not to mention they took way too much of my time. I didn't really know where I was going with today's prompt, I had no vision, which is probably why it took me forever to paint it. About half way through I suddenly remembered the super gorgeous design by Lacquerstyle and decided to recreate it.
31 Day Challenge: Polka Dots
Today's post is rather special because it features some cool polishes I won in a nail art competition. This is the first time I have ever won a nail art competition and I can't help but think I'm rather lucky to recieve such an amazing goodie bag. Scroll down to have a look!
31 Day Challenge: Gradient
Today I'd like, I mean, I'm forced to show you my very own, home brewed, good old #nailfail. Are you excited?! Thought so.
31 Day Challenge: Rainbow
Do you remember when I said that my blue nails were my favourite of my #31DC2015 creations? Well, I've changed my mind! Please, don't make me take these off tomorrow! Sometimes, very rarely, a design comes up so much better than I imagined it and I'd like to hold on to it a bit longer.
31 Day Challenge: Metallic
I will never ever crack horizontal lines. NEVER! Every time I try it's such a fail I can't even..anyway. This design was inspired by Paulina's Passions. Her design was totally cute and neat and it lured me into a false sense of security. There I was, thinking I can totally pull that off and failed miserably!
31 Day Challenge: B&W
At first, these nails were meant to be just white with a black stamp. I knew I'd like them because I did the exact same design on my aunt's nails a few day ago. But then l started sorting out all my polishes, because frankly they were getting out of control, and spotted an OPI Sheer Tint I've never used. I always wanted to try this range but found it a bit pricey, until I spotted one at TKMaxx for £2.99 (bargain or what?!) and it got me thinking...
31 Day Challenge: Violet
31 Day Challenge: Blue
I am still visiting home until tomorrow and normally I'd be doing my Trippin' section for you guys but with the 31 Day Challenge under way it seems impossible to find the time to blog about anything else! I've only taken a few polishes with me and that included Turquoise Sea by Models Own and MoYou Nails blue stamping polish. Luckily they go together well so I opted for a gradient and a stamp.
31 Day Challenge: Green
You wouldn't believe how many green polishes I have and I don't even like green that much! I'm currently visiting home but I knew the 31 Day Challenge was coming up so, of course, I took green polish. ONE. GREEN. POLISH. Sigh, so as you can imagine this design isn't partically complicated but still, I love it! Ever since I've done French manicure a few weeks ago I've been dying to try it again.
31 Day Challenge: Yellow
Remember when I said that I wasn't going to try anything too complicated just yet for the 31 Day Challenge? Well, today I kind of did! The 3rd day's theme is yellow and I was more than happy to try out Nails Inc Seven Dials that I found in my recent Nalibox. It's a warm yellow, opaque in 2 thick coats. I really like the new brush that Nails Inc introduced. It's curved, not square and it's so much easier to get a perfect line around my cuticles. I added some rectangular studs I got from Amazon.co.uk.
31 Day Challenge: Orange
I survived the first day of 31 Day Challenge, go me! The next prompt is orange and here is what I've done with that! Some half (actually more like quarter) circles using a dotting tool.
31 Day Challenge: Red
This year I've decided to take part in the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge. Why I am making myself paint nails for 31 days straight, I don't know. I must be crazy! This is the first time I'm able to participate and although it's a bit daunting, I'm kinda excited! I really want to do it all but you know, I have some qualities (patience, I'm looking at you!) that could make me lose it so bad and basically make the next month of my life pure hell. I guess we'll have to see, won't we!
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